Friday, October 31, 2008

My first award!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to Daja @ In other words I have my very first blog award, "YAY ME"!!!!! So now I have to answer some questions and "award" some other blog friends.

1. Do you have the same friends since childhood?

I do, I have a number of friends that I still stay in contact with, we don't get together as often as I would like but we still chat now and then. And when we do get together its like no time has past, I love it when we go down memory lane:)

2. What do you value most about your friends?

Companionship and a way to just be myself, talk and have fun!

3. Are your friends your sounding boards? Yes!

4. What is your favorite activity to share with your friends?

Just hanging out together and being able to just talk and laugh and share with each other.

Okay so I'm not going to pick five to award but I do have a couple!

Martiel over at
Martiels ponder
Martiel is one of my friends from my childhood, I think we met when we were like 7 or 8, we have at times lost contact but have since re-connected thanks to the wonderful world of Internet:) Martiels is a really "down to earth breath of fresh air", I love reading about her life, she is just so special! Hey Martiel remember the "house dress" and remember when Mrs.Ford use to pick us up for Sunday school in her BIG ole' car!?? Oh and do you remember the club house?!! I really do miss those days!!!

Jessica over at
Mom to 8
Jessica is a new online friend, we met through a group that shares the same devastating experience of losing a child (for her it has been not only one but two children). Jessica is such a huge blessing to me, she is such a strong woman (going through the death of her children and also having her son premature with a list of hard trials with him) she is a wonderful mother! I love to see pictures and hear stories about her family, she has a lot to share from experience...

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I've been tagged!!!!!!!

I have been tagged for a "meme" by Dorothy over at Daffodil Dreams! So here it is, I will try and THINK up some really RANDOM stuff, so beware:)

1. I sleep with my bathroom light on AND the hall bathroom light on, I don't like to sleep in the dark!

2. I take 8+ vitamins/supplements a day, this is my updated amount since going BACK to our Homeopath Dr. on Tuesday. I'm on my way to better health (not that I'm sick, but just trying to keep on the right path).

3. I lay down with my kids and sing to them and stay in bed with them UNTIL they are a sleep EVERY night! I have been doing this since Little Paul was a baby (with the exception of a few trials of the "cry out" method, NEVER again though!). They are only little for a short time!

4. I don't care to cook (although I do it on a regular basis), in fact I would LOVE it if I had a chef as a "live in" helper. I dream of that, I really do! I really enjoy going "out" for dinner or other meals (NOT fast food); When asked "whats for dinner"? How fun would it be to say "Reservations" when EVER I wanted:)

5. My left earring hole is ALWAYS infected, my left side of my neck is tweaked AND ALL due to talking on the phone TO MUCH, really its that bad! I could carry some long conversations.

6. I could live off of "appetizer type" food, salads and sweets, does this make sense? I don't go crazy over the typical meals, IE. I love to go to party's that have LOTS of little appetizers, mini sandwiches, quiches, and YUMMY desserts, rather then a big meal... Its hard to explain;)

7. Now last but not least, I'm a "picker", I like to pick EVERYTHING (just NOT my nose LOL), I pick my feet (I know that is gross), I pick my lips, I pick my skin on the side of my nails and other stuff I cant think of right now!

I'm not tagging anyone, so if you are reading this and you HAVE NOT done it, DO IT:) PLEASE!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pioneer Day parade!


(Little Paul is such a good brother, hes letting Preston know about everything thats going on.)

A fun time at the parade, a little TOO long for me (and eventually Little Paul and Preston too) BUT b.Paul could have stood there FOREVER:)

We did not go and stand in line for the beans, not that much in to having chile beans, so the parade is all we did!
(Preston is TRYING to "get away")

(can you see the foot?)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Corn Maze!

We had a really nice time on a Field trip last week at the corn maze in Atascadero...

It was really cold that day (which was fine by me). When we arrived EARLY we were greeted by the CUTEST/SWEETEST dog in the world. Mind you that I'M a little scared of dogs, and here is this rather large dog running up to my car door when I arrive (we were the only one there, before anyone), so NO help if needed:) but this dog was so NICE, not just average "NICE" but really really nice, she just stood right by me and sort of "greeted" me. She licked my hand a little and did NOT jump on me, she even let Preston pull her ears and nose!

So we bundled up with coats and hats and headed for the first stop; a donkey, little Paul fed him carrots (this donkey was SO fat, it was crazy looking, not normal) then off to the goats (which were also VERY sweet) we fed them for a long time, I could not leave them alone, they were so cute! I stood there and just kept petting this certain one that seemed to like Preston:) ALL the while we had our little (large) dog Friend following us;) After the animals we headed for the corn maze, NOW I was NOT looking forward to this, I don't like mazes much, so as we got closer I saw this area just covered in corn, NOT cleared very well for a regular type maze that I have seen/done before.. I was so scared:) I went in with all the families, all the while FREAKING out because I felt like a BIG spider or ANY bug was about to attack me!! Well I finally gave up after ONLY about a few minutes, I felt bad:( I told Paul that I was just freaking out and did NOT like it, he was sort of sad, but understood me:) WE headed out (which was NOT easy to turn around in there), BUT there were these two WONDERFUL girls that were more then happy to take little Paul back in! They took him a NUMBER of times, he was THRILLED, and so was I:) WOW what a great time, THANKS TO THE GIRLS!! God always takes care of me;)

After the maze, little Paul picked out a pumpkin in the patch! We had a really nice day!

Thanks again Sarah and Melissa:)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Thursday, October 9, 2008

WAY behind!

Well so much for wanting to "journal" my days through blogging! Oh well I MUST start somewhere, although I keep putting if off, I usually have lots to write about, but I guess I just get lazy:(
Lets see where should I start...??? Lets see, We went camping for Big Paul's (in Aug), we went to Morro Bay; it was a lot of fun, we played at the beach and talked and laughed ALL night (I did not sleep really AT ALL due to SNORING boys in the next tent over, and some random man COUGHING all night long).. Though we did meet some really nice people who were from Germany, they joined us for a campfire and the older man enjoyed s'mores for the FIRST time, and he loved it:)
Then for Little Paul's (on September 17) we went camping again, originally he wanted to go camping in the WOODS but we tried, WE REALLY did (but the cabins for me were all booked;), so instead we went back to the beach in Morro Bay, AGAIN another really fun fun weekend (and I did get sleep this time, because I remembered my "noise maker")!
Prestons first was a really good time too, I will have to post all the pictures another time! But it was really a great time, I had so much help that it was a really easy deal for me! My mom made all of the Chile, salsa and a Macaroni salad , Peachy made the Pasta salad, Olivia made the fruit bowl, and Rita (m-in-law) made a Macaroni salad and had the cake made for me. Since we had it at the State Park "day-use" it was a easy to do party:)
So lately I have been extremely busy, but all good, homeschooling little Paul (first grade), and its a challenge with a one year old Preston who THINKS its ALL about him. Little Paul is really advanced with his school work so its sort of nice right now, its all a little bit of a review for him these first couple of months (its a nice break). We joined a home school group and a co-op, we have had some fun days getting to know all the new families and going on outings (will have to blog about it later). Little Paul is taking Karate (Little Dragons) two times a week, he really likes it a lot, today he lead a round of warm-ups at class and counted to ten in Japanese! On our way home he was too excited to TEACH ME something new!
Preston is WAY to grown up these days, he is walking ALL over the place, hes just a big boy:( I want him to stay a baby, but that's not happening with him! HE thinks hes like Little Paul, he plays EXACTLY like him, its a crack up to watch. He growls when he sees scary things, and loves to play "chasing games"!He loves to scramble up all the toys in the room (this is SO LITTLE PAUL) and take a toy and act like its a monster and crash into everything around him and growl and get all crazy.. Whats the saying "Monkey see, Monkey do", that's these boys for ya'.
So much to share, but I will have to continue later....:)
I will leave with a couple of cute things...

We were at "Cold Stone" ice-cream the other day, Little Paul saw a sign on the wall that said "Make a wish foundation",
Little Paul: What does that sign mean Mom, "make a wish" why?
Mom: Well lets see, its hard to explain Paul, maybe later.
Little Paul: NO now mom, I want to know what that means?!
Mom: Okay Paul, lets see hmmmm; lets say YOU were really sick and you were going to die and you knew it and so did I and I told you.... what would YOU WANT to do, ANYTHING you would want....?
Little Paul: OH I get it, of course! I WOULD want to PRAY:)
Mom: LOL NO but that is good! BUT say you could GO ANYWHERE you want, where would you go?! FUN FUN!
(a VERY serious) Little Paul: Well OF course HEAVEN!
Mom: LOL Oh Paul, Yes that's good, BUT say you could go ANYWHERE on earth really really fun, ANYWHERE you wanted to go, cause remember you are going to die and your sick?
Little Paul: OH NOW I get it, well of course, COSTCO, we would get ALL the samples and spend LOTS of money!!
Mom: Paul!!!!!!! YOU ARE SO FUNNY!

Okay so the other night while praying Little Paul was FULL of questions, this is not abnormal for him (he talks A LOT, and WANTS to know everything), so I was talking really quickly and answering some questions (and still trying to pray, lol) He was asking about a little friend he has and how that evening while we were all outside, and they were playing, she had lied to me a couple of times about various things. He asked me if she is a Christian WHY does she keep on lying to me like that, I had to TRY and explain that she is NOT a Christian (shes Jehovah Witness), but any how, that we all make mistakes and sin and all of that (he understood what I was saying since we have gone over ALL of this before)... BUT for some reason he just kept on, like he did not get it. I told him she is NOT a Christian, even though she says she is ( I was trying so hard to explain this, but its hard), so anyways he tells me AFTER ALL this explaining,
"OH I get it, so even though she says shes a Christian, she still can lie and eat her boogers and nasty stuff like that, because she is NOT a Christian like me!?"